Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Running Again!

The last few weeks I decided to get back on the exercise bandwagon and I had placed the terror of getting treed by wild dogs behind me. While watching episodes of Lost and the new Doctor Who, I would do a step-up workout (take a small chair and step up and down one leg at a time). It's great in developing hiker's legs. Am planning on doing the Naukluft Trail again, to put it in its place.

Working my way up to hour and a half workouts it was time to stride back into running (yes, I finished two seasons of Lost and all of the first season of the new Doctor Who). I ran immediately after school yesterday and it felt awesome! A nice quick half hour run behind the dunes. Clear skies, slightly cool breeze giving a headwind out and a tailwind back.

I sorta got to bed late last night, so when my alarm went off at 4:55am to go running I promply reset it to 6am. “Run now? Yeah, right. I'll go out after school again.” I thought to myself. I was soon to find out how bad of an idea that was.

Again a cloudless sky, except it was hot with a whisper of a wind, tailwind out and headwind back. At the half-way mark I tried to spit but it clung to my lower lip and went on my chin. I'm sure all you atheletes out there have experienced that before - dehydration.

I sucked it up and ran all the way back, almost on pace. Pretty amazing considering that the entire time I wasn't sweating. I gulped down a liter of water and set my thermometer out in the sun. Two minutes later it was registering a blistering 126 degrees F! Almost a year ago I couldn't walk a sloth's pace without feeling like bursting into flame and now I can run in it.


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