Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Current Pics Part 2

Pic 1 - Spent afternoon digging it out. Did the rocks during a big rainstorm

Pic 2 - where they had a fish farm before the war...we're bringing it back!

Pic 3 - what a fish farm is supposed to look like.

Pic 4 - a chicken that snuck into the principal's office and tried to next in my backpack

Pic 5 - a teacher passed away at our sister school. tradition is students bring wood for the family so they can cook food

Pic 6 - neighbor kids playing

Pic 7 - small boy trying to pump some water

Pic 8 - breaking in the table tennis last weekend. went something like 8-1.

Pic 9 - breaking in the fire pit with some PCVs and local kids

Pic 10 - a sweet pic of the tree in our yard at night

Pic 11 - this area was a MAJOR battleground during the civil war thanks to the strategic location. I found five of them yesterday just walking around campus. a reminder that the scars of 20 years of civil war aren't easily erased


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