Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Current Pics Part 1 - will post comments later ... no time now

Pic 1 - Placing the last of the major books on the shelf. One week for over 2000 books.

Pic 2 - Teaching kids how to throw Frisbee at a friend's site.

Pic 3 - Quite possibly the first game of Frisbee bowling

Pic 4 - Spending time on Golden Beach in Monrovia with friends.

Pic 5 - Trouble on "the" mud hill

Pic 6 - Look how deeply the trucks are stuck!!

Pic 7 - Major lightning strike near our place. Thunder every night, but dry season starts sometime this month.

Pic 8 - Working with Concern Worldwide in bringing back (agriculture, fish ponds) poultry to campus. Yeah, it needs a little work...the jungle is winning

Pic 9 - really cool clouds

Pic 10 - what our flat looks like in the evening

Current Pics Part 2

Pic 1 - Spent afternoon digging it out. Did the rocks during a big rainstorm

Pic 2 - where they had a fish farm before the war...we're bringing it back!

Pic 3 - what a fish farm is supposed to look like.

Pic 4 - a chicken that snuck into the principal's office and tried to next in my backpack

Pic 5 - a teacher passed away at our sister school. tradition is students bring wood for the family so they can cook food

Pic 6 - neighbor kids playing

Pic 7 - small boy trying to pump some water

Pic 8 - breaking in the table tennis last weekend. went something like 8-1.

Pic 9 - breaking in the fire pit with some PCVs and local kids

Pic 10 - a sweet pic of the tree in our yard at night

Pic 11 - this area was a MAJOR battleground during the civil war thanks to the strategic location. I found five of them yesterday just walking around campus. a reminder that the scars of 20 years of civil war aren't easily erased

Monday, September 21, 2009

Care Package Wish List

We're curious to see if anything will get through. I'm guessing the odds are much better for here than in Namibia. The hard part is that you can't send it directly to my site, however we do have the ability to get it up here through some connections/networking we've done in the past three weeks up here.

Give it a try and send a small one!

-Cliff bars (Brownie, mint choc chip, oatmeal walnut raisin)
-Peanut or plain M&Ms (dark chocolate if have them)
-Jolly Ranchers
-Coffee (the ground version)
-Crystal Light drink packets (raspberry tea or others)
-Fragrant clothes dryer sheets (to keep us smelling nice in a moldy environment)
-A strong needle (like leather or tougher) and some 30-40 lb test fishing line so I can sew up my sandals
-Tie dye colors for us to make sweet t-shirts
-Deflated american football
-Deflated basketball
-Any cool music saved to MP3 format
-Any “must read” books

For torrent downloaders:
The new season of Lost, Smallville, Leverage, Doctor Who (Waters of Mars, the Sarah Jane Chronicles special coming up before Waters of Mars and the two part Christmas special last hurrah for David Tennant as the Doctor … google MadMartha and torrent)

*just make sure that you send a list of contents in a sealed envelope. also send an email as well. send it to the address on my blog (Peace Corps HQ) and we will find a way to get it.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Cell phone reception at my flat!

Was down at the capital this weekend and my roommate got a new cell phone. On a whim I asked to borrow his battery to see if it worked in a cell phone that two volunteers left for me when in Namibia. It works again!! The charger cord doesn't work, but now can charge it up using the phone I bought here!

So, if you have tried to call me over the past two weeks and not had any success, my roommate called me while I was sitting on the couch in our living room. So yeah, you can reach me when I'm not working on campus. :) I love Nokia phones

Monday, September 07, 2009

More Pictures

-crossing the bridge to a fellow PCV's flat.

-the mud/clay we plowed through. nearly got stuck in this. was up to the base of the bus.

-group photo with President Johnson-Sirleaf at swearing-in


- us on the plane, but no snakes to be found.

- ooh, ooh, ooh lookin out my back door

-the mountains. yeah, it rains every day right now.

-the backyard

-neighbor's garden in backyard

-it wouldn't upload properly. yes, that's Mr. Obama and he's the 4th president of the US

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Learning Loma Language

ngo = good morning.
oboy, nguay = my friend, good morning (in response to 'ngo')
yana = good afternoon/good evening.
va bel sue = how are you? (have any problems)
fine lay sue = good/well. (have no problems)
ya la zegi? = what is your name?
na-de zegi ya ga Mike. = my name is Mike.

It gets complicated when you are talking to a group of people:
oboy, wuguay
wa la zegi?
ga la zegi a ga ........ (everyone in group then says their name)

Been practicing with the children and the workers. They get quite a kick out of it.